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Fuzz Ball Animal Rescue
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Volunteer Application
Volunteer Application
Looking for Volunteers 18 and over. If transporting pets, must be 21 and older.
First Name
Last Name
Address - Line 1
Address - Line 2
Zip Code
Phone Number
Best Time to Call
Email Address
Please check off the items you are interested in helping with.
Events such as yard sales and bottle/can drives.
Bagging bottles for appts.
Transporting animals in rescue to vet appts and foster homes. Could be as far as Portland. Must be 21 and older with valid driver’s license and insurance.
Trapping dogs and cats. Could be in the middle of the night or the midst of the day. The extra-large dog trap must be chained at all times if you are leaving it unattended. They are expensive and one has already been stolen. Trapping of animals can take hours or days, please only offer if you are able to commit to checking the trap every few hours and in extreme temps, every hour.
How far are you willing to transport?
What kinds of animals are you willing to transport?
Will you keep the animal crated or tethered at all times during transport?
Are you willing to transport sick animals?
What events are you willing to help with?
Are you ok with helping in the early mornings? What hours of the day are you available?
What kinds of animals are you willing to trap? Cats? Dogs?
There is always risk of a bite during trapping if the animal is contained and you get too close to the trap when they are in a frenzy. Please initial that you understand and agree that Fuzz Ball Rescue is not liable for injuries.
Electronic Signature
Submit Application
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